Summary: Pets On Board™ is a small magnetic sign that fits easily on a car or apartment door notifying others a precious pet is traveling with their owner or in the home. The device is comprised of a 4” by 4” sign with a small magnet capable of being attached to a car, truck, boat, or apartment/house door. The device can be an important notification during emergency situations should an unfortunate situation occur. The sign features a bright yellow background color and highly visible, bold wording to notify others of a pet being present. Additionally, various different charitable attributes can stem from purchasing the device—a portion of the sale of this item is currently being donated to a rescued animal shelter.

Purpose & Benefits-Full Detail
- Provides drivers and homeowners with a highly visible sign notifying others pets are in the vehicle or in the house.
- Shows other people on the road that the driver is a proud pet owner.
- Utilizes a small outdoor car magnet to attach conveniently to a flat surface on a car, truck, boat, and even apartment/house door.
- Notifies emergency response teams during an emergency that a pet is inside a vehicle or home and needs assistance
- Reminds pet owners to not leave their pets in hot, humid vehicles during the summer months.
- Problems Solved
Detailed Description & Features
PetsOnBoard™ is a small magnetic sign that fits easily on a car or apartment door notifying others a precious pet is traveling with their owner or in the home. The device is comprised of a 4” by 4” sign with a small magnet capable of being attached to a car, truck, boat, or apartment/house door. The device can be an important notification during emergency situations should an unfortunate situation occur. The sign features a bright yellow background color and highly visible, bold wording to notify others of a pet being present. Additionally, various different charitable attributes can stem from purchasing the device—a portion of the sale of this item is currently being donated to a rescued animal shelter. PetsOnBoard™ is constructed using magnetic rubberized plastic, easily attaching to the back of a vehicle without causing any external damage. The sign may measure approximately 4” in length by 4” in width or 5” in length by 5” in width.Pets On Board Keychain Home Alone
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